Andrew Piccin (he/him)

Personal Training Partner

I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Exercise Science. For the past six years I have been training clients one-on-one and in small-group classes.

My expertise is not only strength and muscle growth, but also nutrition and goal setting. I want the best results possible for my clients, and I’ve found that co-creating strong goals along with a building long-lasting relationship allows for the best results.

I make a daily effort to stay current in all research regarding weightlifting and nutrition so that my clients get the most out of our time together. And as always, we will have a great time while we do it! 

I am an avid skier, and enjoy reading or playing video games in my free time.

Personal Training

Andrew specializes in helping prepare folks for outdoor activities like skiing, hiking, mountain biking etc. 

I have been working with Andrew for more than a half year and believe he is one of the most experienced & committed trainers around. I started training twice a week, really enjoyed the variety & challenge he put into the sessions. I must be a glutton for punishment. Andrew is focused on helping me achieve my goals and makes every session challenging (& somehow fun). My fitness has increased noticeably and I’ve seen improvements in my ability to lift progressively heavier weights.


Book your free consultation today.