Kelly Smith, CPT, CES, PPFS (she/her)

Personal Training Partner

I believe that getting fit is not about having a “good” body, it’s about having a good relationship with your body.
Nurturing that relationship and feeling strong takes work. As a mom of two, I know how hard it can be to prioritize yourself. Fortunately, I learned early that exercise sustains my physical and mental health. But even as a runner, weight lifter, and yoga practitioner, I struggled during my transition to becoming a mom.

My two pregnancies were challenging and painful, and I was frustrated by the lack of helpful information and support. I want to offer you something better.

As a perinatal fitness coach and personal trainer, I can help you find joy in movement while deepening your skills and awareness to support your body from pregnancy all the way through menopause.

Whether you’re pregnant, postpartum, or approaching menopause, your body is changing. Your exercise routine needs to change too. You don’t have to deal with aches and pains, core weakness, or leaking when you sneeze. 

My customized programs help you create a solid foundation through core and pelvic floor alignment, which helps to cultivate strength and power to train and support your entire body. 

I offer body-inclusive, non-diet fitness coaching where we focus on the benefits of evidence-based approaches that support your unique body. My programs are tailored to your specific needs and goals, and allow you to build your fitness so you can be strong in every stage of your life. 

I can't wait to help you get started!

Certifications: Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness Specialist, Corrective Exercise Specialist 

“Kelly provided personalized and empathetic guidance to support exercise during my pregnancy. She took the time to really listen to my concerns, answer all my questions, and provide personalized recommendations and movements to support my goals. She was able to identify areas where I was experiencing challenges and provide individual guidance on how to support and address those challenges.”


Book your free consultation today.