Tristan Hoyle (he/him)

Personal Training Partner

After initially falling in love with training as a means to improve myself for sports, I realized the transformative power that exercise could have for every population. My focus in training centers upon a holistic approach to total body strengthening, and development of capacity that transfers to your daily life. I love meeting clients where they are at and creating structured progressions to take them to new levels efficiently and safely!

I have a bachelors degree in Exercise science from Seattle University, along with a USAW-L1. Although these courses were useful, the biggest contributor to my overall knowledge base has been the continued practice and training of all my clients. Experience in this field is the best teacher, and I have worked with an array of people from professional athletes to 90 year old grandparents. This wide swath of experience has me prepared to help people of all experiences find their stride. 

In my non-gym time I enjoy spending time with my family, playing tennis, and meeting up with friends! 

Book your free consultation today.